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Q: What can I do to feel more energized? 

A: One of the most common concerns voiced by customers, regardles of age, is that they are constantly exhausted. Before you reach for your second (or third or fourth) cup of coffee, reach for a solution that will really fight those dozing eyes. A frequent cause of constant exhaustion is Adrenal Fatigue, which results when your adrenal glands consistently function at a below average level, preventing you from adequately handling stress. Adrenal fatigue results after prolonged periods of stress, lack of sleep, illness, or infections. When our bodies are mentally and physically tired, our adrenaline kicks in as a booster. When this occurs for prolonged lengths of time, our bodies work harder to produce adrenaline, overworking our system, causing fatigue. We reach for high caffeine intake to fight this feeling, which in fact does the exact that we want it to do -- creates adrenal burnout. A great soultion to this is by adding something as simple as an Andrenal Complex, which is a mixture of supportive herbs, vitamins and minerals, that work synergistically to reboot your adrenal system, eliminating exhaustion. Add a B Complex and B-12 to this (our B levels also become diminished during stressfull situations or due to certain medications), and you are on your way to running on all cylinders. 



Q: What can I take to relieve this awful joint pain?

A: Joint pain can range from a creaky knee to debilitating back pain. Taking regular doses of Advil will help with the pain, but it will also tear apart your liver and stomach, causing even more internal harm. Fortunately, there are all-natural remedies that you can take that will not only work as a pain-reliever, but will also assist in treating the root of your pain, fostering a long-term solution to your agony. While the causes of joint pain can be attributed to bursitus, tendonitis, a sports-related injury, arthritis, lyme disease, an autoimmune disease, etc., the physical pain that you feel is caused by an inflammatory response in your body to tissue disturbance -- it is our body's internal defense mechanism acting as a "cushion" to the harmed tissue. The first course of action is to treat the inflammation, thus relieving the pain, with an anti-inflammatory such as Curcumin, MSM or Omega 3's. These are supplements that have a plethora of health benefits, but in relation to joint health, they will provide immediate and long-lasting relief from inflammation-related pain. In an effort to rejenerate cartilage and ligaments, you should add Glucosamine & Chondroitin, both substances found naturally in our connective tissue, but that decrease in volume with age and injury. Not only do these aid in regrowth, but they also block cartilage-destroying enzymes, thereby preventing further damage. Another helpful ingredient in this "joint marindae" is Hyaluronic Acid (HA). HA is found throughout our body in our hair, skin, nails, and within the synovial fluid that surrounds our joints, as well as within our cartilage. As we age, or again with injury, this acid decreases, causing bone-on-bone agitation. By taking an oral HA, we increase shock absorbtion and join lubrication, further reducing pain and increasing cartilage growth.

Q: I would like to lose weight -- is there something that I can take to jumpstart a diet? 

A: The first step to beginning a diet overall is to decide your goal -- is it simply to lose weight or to improve your overall health as well? Hopefully it will be the latter. The second step is to turn to someone who can really help you evaluate your lifestyle and provide you with the support neccesary to achieve your goal -- that's where we come in. There are a couple of basics that we suggest to go along with this journey -- 1. A detox to help you reboot your metabolism, 2. A protein powder used as a healthy breakfast and 3. A metabolism booster. A detox is going to help cleanse the body of all of the toxins, whic has hindered your digestion and created a malabsorbtion of nutrients, leaving you feeling sluggish, as well as causing your fat cells to multiply and your metabolism to short-circuit. A protein shake when combined with a healthy fat and fiber/carb source is going to be a complete meal, one that stokes your metabolism and provides you with stabilized insulin levels and energy, eliminating the viscious "I eat, then I'm exhausted, then starving shortly after, so I eat again" cycle. Don't worry, we want you to eat! In fact, drastically reducing your caloric intake is only going to cause the opposite of what you are trying to achieve; a meatbolism meltdown. We will guide you towards to right foods to eat throughout the day to achieve a healthy weight-loss. A metabolism booster when combined with a healthy diet is going to provide you with an additional jumpstart to get you where you want to be -- a healthier, thinner you! 






Q: I have never taken a supplement before. Where do I begin?

A:  A perfect base for everyone is a multi-vitamin, fish oil, vitamin D3, and probitoic. A multi-vitamin will fill in the gaps where your diet is lacking, which applies to everyonedue to our hectic lifestyles and deleted crop nutrient content. An omeag 3 based fish oil fights inflammation, helps with joint and muscle health, lowers bad cholesterol, strengthens your cardiovascualr system, and improves mood and neurological functioning. Vitamin D aids in immunity, assists in building bone-strength and has been linked to cancer prevention. With the ever-increasing gastrointestinal issues plauging us, a probiotic will hlep balance the good vs. bad intestinal bacteria, creating a healthy digestive system. From there, you can add other products according to your individual health needs and goals. A great addition for everyone is a protein powder and greens formula to help with evergy levels and muscular development.

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